3rd Neuroscience and Art Seminar
On Tuesday, June 19, 2018, the 3rd Neuroscience and Art Seminar was held in Room 1 of El Cruce Hospital. The theme of the Seminar was Neurodevelopment and Environment.
13:00 hs. Accreditation
13:30 hs. "Epigenetics and the development of complex phenotypes" Benedikt Hallgrímsson. University of Calgary, Canada. (This talk was given in English)
14:20 hs. "Childhood memories: early experiences and epigenetic mechanisms" Eduardo Cánepa. Buenos Aires University, Argentina
15:10 hs. Coffee break
15:30 hs. "Epigenetic regulation of neural crest cells migration in vertebrates" Pablo Strobl-Mazzulla. Institute of Biotechnological Research (INTECH), Argentina
16:20 hs. "Why does the Zika virus affect brain development?" Patricia Pestana Garcez. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
17:10 hs. Conclusions. Paula N. González, Jimena Barbeito Andrés. ENyS, CONICET, Argentina
5:30 p.m. Art exhibition by Leticia Barbeito
General organization: PhD Cecilia Forcato, PhD Paula N. González, PhD Silvia Kochen
Organizing Committee: PhD Paula N. González, PhD Jimena Barbeito Andrés, PhD student Mariana Vallejo Azar