Our team works in the field of neurosciences. The main objective is the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy which is resistant to medication. Most patients with epilepsy manage their seizures with anticonvulsant medication, however there is a percentage of patients who persist with epilepsy seizures despite proper treatment with drugs. In some of them, surgery can be performed in the area where the seizures originate, with excellent results. To define the area to operate it is necessary to perform some diagnostic studies such as video-EEG, MRI, neuropsychological and psychiatric evaluation. In some cases, it is necessary to implant intracerebral electrodes and electrically stimulate the cerebral cortex to know the crisis' function and the area of ​​origin. Our investigations are carried out on the population of patients with resistant epilepsy and include the following clinical analysis: neurological, psychiatric, neuropsychological (memory, language, perception), electrophysiological and images (fmri, DTI). We also add biomedical engineering projects (connectivity, signal analysis and modeling).

Talk on Epilepsy by PhD Kochen in «La Liga de la Ciencia» (only in Spanish)

How is it like to live with epilepsy and how to help patients? Video-testimony in Spanish


Silvia Kochen, PhD


Silvia Oddo, PhD

Juan Pablo Princich, PhD

Brenda Giagante, PhD

Patricia Solís, BSc

Luciana D’Alessio, PhD

Fabián Nishida, PhD

Professional support

Mariano Rodríguez, Elect. Eng.


Nasimbera, Alejandro, MD

Claudia Múnera, BSc, PhD student

Mónica Fernández Lima, MD

Carolina Lomlomdjian, MD, PhD student

Nuria Campora, PhD

Dra. Laura Scévola

Dr. M. Facundo Latini

Assitants and interns

Anilú Daza Restrepo

Christine Tan Pei Xin (Malasya)

Miguel Ángel Vergara

Jesús Arturo Benel Cienfuegos

Natalia Eleonora Piris Mannucci

María Pilar Sánchez de Paz

Arturo Robles Godínez (Mexico), Programa DELFÍN, from 18 June 2018 to 3 August 2018

Adriana V. Pérez Vélez (Mexico), Programa DELFÍN, from 18 June 2018 to 3 August 2018

Nory Licona (México), Programa DELFÍN, del 18/6/18 al 3/8/18


Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, PhD, Leicester University, Centre for Systems Neuroscience, UK

Hernán Rey, PhD, Leicester University, Centre for Systems Neuroscience, UK

Dra. Valeria Della Maggiore, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Investigadora Independiente CONICET