ENyS, recognised for its research efforts

ENyS was recognised by Arturo Jauretche University for its research work, in the context of UNAJ Investiga 2017 Call.

By UNAJ Resolution 148/18 of June 29, 2018, this research institute and translational medicine centre has been selected as beneficiary of subsidies for the following research projects:

  • Project UNAJ Investiga 2017. Title: Brain mapping by electrical stimulation. Analysis of the high frequency signal and individual neurons in refractory epilepsy in humans. Researcher-in-Chief: Silvia Kochen, PhD
  • Project UNAJ Investiga 2017. Title: Analysis of the phenomenon of intracranial electro-stimulation through simulations and estimation of connectivity patterns, code 80020170100044UJ. Researcher-in-Chief: Silvia Oddo, PhD

For further information on funded research projects, please follow the link.